Proven North Jersey

Personal Injury Attorneys Known For Results

When Products Sold To The Public Cause Injury Or Death

Manufacturers, venders and advertisers have a duty to the public to deliver safe products with truthful descriptions and clear instructions on how to use them. When someone is injured by a defective product, an investigation should look into the testing and reporting of problems that occurred within the company that designed and manufactured it. Often, a review of events will uncover hidden red flags that were not disclosed to consumers who bought or used the products. This is an example of how we approach product liability cases at Burke Law Firm, LLP.

Our skilled, diligent trial attorneys have helped many New Jersey residents bring successful injury claims against manufacturing entities and other responsible parties. We represent people who have suffered needless harm through the use of:

  • Tires, brakes, seat belts and other car and truck parts
  • Power tools, ladders, machines and other equipment used at construction sites and elsewhere
  • Toys and baby furniture
  • Medications and medical devices
  • Common consumer products such as makeup, paint and cleaning products

After a construction accident or another on-the-job injury, a product liability case is often a third-party liability claim.

The Aim Of Your Claim

Our goal in every injury and wrongful death case is to recover full compensation that an injured person or surviving family members need and deserve after an accident, to cover:

  • Medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Replacement of lost wages
  • Funeral and burial costs after a fatality

A side effect of successful product liability cases may be the prevention of injuries to future consumers. Our track record of results speaks to our readiness to evaluate and develop an effective product liability case on your behalf. Your case may also make a difference for others.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Reach us by phone at 201-293-8289 or by completing a brief intake form on our website. We look forward to hearing about your painful experience with a dangerous product and explaining how we can get an investigation started.