If you’re driving your car and looking down at your phone, trying to type in a new destination on your GPS or reading a text message from your boss, it’s very clear that you are a distracted driver. Even if you glance up every few seconds or try to use your peripheral...
Proven North Jersey
Personal Injury Attorneys Known For Results
Motor Vehicle Accidents
4 notable dangers of trucks
Trucking is an important occupation that’s highly beneficial to the economy. Without truckers, many cities and towns would not get essential goods, such as food, medicine and clothing. However, the job isn’t easy, and it can put others in danger. A trucking accident...
Why to be wary of the first settlement offer
Before going to court after a car accident injury, there will often be a settlement discussion. Both sides will negotiate and try to find a solution. The insurance company may offer a specific settlement to the person who is seeking compensation. They can choose to...
Can concussions following a crash be serious?
Concussions are among the most frequent injuries sustained by those involved in auto accidents. Victims sometimes ignore their pain, believing it to be just a simple headache until it becomes unbearable. When they finally do seek medical attention, they may be...
An overview of New Jersey’s negligence laws
Being partially at fault for a car accident in New Jersey does not automatically bar you from recovering compensation for your damages. It’s a common misconception among many car accident victims, deterring them from pursuing their rightful compensation. Understanding...
What not to do after a car accident
Car accidents are stressful and can be overwhelming, but how you handle the aftermath is crucial. Making the wrong decisions at the moment can have long-lasting consequences. Here, you can learn about what you should not do after being involved in a car accident. ...
Avoiding wintertime crashes in New Jersey
As winter approaches in New Jersey, a significant increase in driving hazards is approaching with it. Preparing for these conditions can be the key to avoiding the unfortunate spike in winter crashes that can occur in the Garden State. As a result, before the first...
3 things that can cause collisions
Nearly everyone says they are a safe and conscientious driver when asked. Judging by how many motor vehicle accidents injure and kill Americans each year, it is safe to say that many drivers overestimate their skills. Unfortunately, most people do not realize how many...
3 common causes of car crashes that drivers should avoid
Automobile accidents have been and continue to be an unfortunate reality. Every year, millions of lives are affected by car crashes, making it crucial to understand the common causes of these accidents. Better understanding these three common causes of car crashes can...
Why texting and driving leads to car accidents
Auto accidents often happen because of drunk driving, manufacturing negligence, medication, speeding and aggression. These kinds of accidents can lead to permanent injuries and fatalities. One of the most common causes of auto accidents, however, is actually...