Proven North Jersey

Personal Injury Attorneys Known For Results

3 laws you need to know when pursuing a car accident claim in NJ

On Behalf of | Mar 6, 2023 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Car accidents happen all the time. And while some do not lead to serious injuries, others can result in life-altering or even fatal injuries. If you or someone you loved is hurt in a car accident that is attributable to negligence, you deserve justice.

To hold the liable party to account, however, you need to know crucial laws that will impact the outcome of your claim. This is essential even if you are going to reach an out-of-court settlement.

Here are three important laws that you need to know when pursuing a car accident case in New Jersey:

New Jersey car accident reporting laws

Per New Jersey law, you are required to report any accident that results in an injury, death or property damage in excess of $500. Leaving the accident scene without calling the police can be a costly mistake, especially if the matter ends up in court.

New Jersey modified comparative law

New Jersey applies a modified comparative negligence doctrine when apportioning fault in a car accident case. Under this law, fault is distributed based on each party’s contribution to the accident. In other words, you can only recover damages as long as your contribution to the accident is less than the defendant’s contribution. For instance, if you contributed 20 percent to the accident, and the court awards $10,000 in damages, then you will only receive $8,000 in damages.

New Jersey statute of limitations

New Jersey, like the other states, has a statute of limitations period within which you can file your car accident claim. Per the New Jersey statute of limitations for civil actions, you have up to two years from the date of the accident to file your claim. You should never let this statute of limitations period run out.

If you are involved in a car accident that is not your fault, you need to understand your rights and obligations under New Jersey laws.
