If you are fortunate enough to walk out of a car wreck with minor injuries like bruises, or no injuries at all, you might be tempted to believe seeing a doctor is a waste of your precious time. However, this can turn out to be a costly mistake – one that can put your...
Proven North Jersey
Personal Injury Attorneys Known For Results
Month: March 2023
Is the interstate a more dangerous place to drive?
Many drivers feel like the interstate is more dangerous than a local road or a smaller highway. This is especially true with young drivers. Often, student drivers are quite nervous to go on the interstate for the first time. The reason they feel so nervous is...
3 laws you need to know when pursuing a car accident claim in NJ
Car accidents happen all the time. And while some do not lead to serious injuries, others can result in life-altering or even fatal injuries. If you or someone you loved is hurt in a car accident that is attributable to negligence, you deserve justice. To hold the...
Even light rainstorms increase a driver’s risk of a crash
New Jersey sees quite a few weather-related car crashes every year. Most people think of winter weather as the primary concern, and there's little question that snow, ice and sleet put people at increased risk of a crash on the roads. The winter months can bring...